Mini World Block Art

Price: Free
Ads: Yes
In App Purchases: Yes

iOS App Store

Temporal Dark PatternsTemporal Dark Patterns

This game has 3 reported Temporal Dark Patterns. There are 4 votes indicating the absence of a dark pattern.


1 votes
Grinding -
1 / 0 votes
Being required to perform repetitive and tedious tasks to advance.

1 votes
Infinite Treadmill -
1 / 0 votes
Impossible to win or complete the game.

1 votes
Wait To Play -
1 / 0 votes
In-game timers that make you arbitrarily wait for something.

1 votes
Playing by Appointment -
0 / 1 votes
Being forced to play according to the game's schedule instead of yours.

1 votes
Daily Rewards -
0 / 1 votes
Encourages return visits every day and punishes you for missing a day.

1 votes
Advertisements -
0 / 1 votes
Forced to watch ads or given rewards for watching ads.

1 votes
Can't Pause or Save -
0 / 1 votes
The game does not allow you to stop playing whenever you want.

Monetary Dark PatternsMonetary Dark Patterns

This game has 4 reported Monetary Dark Patterns. There are 6 votes indicating the absence of a dark pattern.


1 votes
Premium Currency -
1 / 0 votes
Exchange rate between real money and in-game currency disguises the real price of items.

1 votes
Pay to Win -
1 / 0 votes
A player can spend real money to purchase something that gives them an advantage in the game.

1 votes
Pay to Skip -
1 / 0 votes
Spend money to avoid waiting for a timer to expire.

1 votes
Anchoring Tricks -
1 / 0 votes
Placing a cheap item next to an expensive item to make it look more affordable.

1 votes
Artificial Scarcity -
0 / 1 votes
Limited time offers with unnecessary urgency.

1 votes
Accidental Purchases -
0 / 1 votes
Making it easy to accidentally spend money with no confirmation or ability to undo or refund the action.

1 votes
Recurring Fee -
0 / 1 votes
Encourages players to play as much as possible to get their money's worth.

1 votes
Power Creep -
0 / 1 votes
A permanently purchased item in the game becomes less valuable over time.

1 votes
Pay Wall -
0 / 1 votes
The game becomes impossible to continue playing without payment.

1 votes
Waste Aversion -
0 / 1 votes
Capped inventory forces you to destroy items or upgrade inventory. Also, having small amounts of left over premium currency.

Social Dark PatternsSocial Dark Patterns

This game has 1 reported Social Dark Patterns. There are 6 votes indicating the absence of a dark pattern.


1 votes
Competition -
1 / 0 votes
The game makes you compete against other players.

1 votes
Social Pyramid Scheme -
0 / 1 votes
You get a bonus for inviting your friends and then they have to invite their friends.

1 votes
Social Obligation / Guilds -
0 / 1 votes
To avoid letting down your friends, you are obligated to play when you don't want to.

1 votes
Friend Spam / Impersonation -
0 / 1 votes
The game sends spam to your contact list or social media account.

1 votes
Reciprocity -
0 / 1 votes
Feeling obligated to return a favor, share resources, trade an item, etc.

1 votes
Encourages Anti-Social Behavior -
0 / 1 votes
The game incentivizes players to lie, cheat, or backstab other players to get ahead.

1 votes
Fear of Missing Out -
0 / 1 votes
If you stop playing you'll miss out on something or be left behind and unable to catch up.

Psychological Dark PatternsPsychological Dark Patterns

This game has 2 reported Psychological Dark Patterns. There are 5 votes indicating the absence of a dark pattern.


1 votes
Invested / Endowed Value -
1 / 0 votes
Having already spent time and money to improve your status in the game, it's difficult to throw it away.

1 votes
Badges / Endowed Progress -
1 / 0 votes
Reluctancy to abandon a partially completed goal, even one forced upon the player.

1 votes
Complete the Collection -
0 / 1 votes
The urge to collect all the items, achievements or secrets in a game.

1 votes
Illusion of Control -
0 / 1 votes
The game cheats or hides information to make you think you're better than you actually are.

1 votes
Variable Rewards -
0 / 1 votes
Unpredictable or random rewards are more addictive than a predictable schedule.

1 votes
Aesthetic Manipulations -
0 / 1 votes
Trick questions or toying with emotions or our subconscious desires.

1 votes
Optimism and Frequency Biases -
0 / 1 votes
Overestimating the frequency of something because we’ve seen it recently or memorably.

App Store Ratings

iOS:  (4.50) with 10,817 votes.

Recent Dark Pattern Reviews

Infinite Treadmill reported on Apr 30, 2024
Mini World's survival mode features various objectives and tasks, including defeating bosses. However, after completing the main achievements line, the game still continues, as it's now up to the player whether they want to stay in their world or create another one.
Premium Currency reported on Apr 30, 2024
Mini Coins are the premium currency of Mini World: CREATA/Block Art, purchased with real money.
Pay to Win reported on Apr 30, 2024
In the game, players can purchase skins with Mini Coins or obtain them through paid Gashapons that give them small advantages over players who don't have them. The game also includes characters which include special abilities once the character's talent is unlocked or upgraded. Players can choose to spend Mini Coins so they don't need to grind for these shards.
Invested / Endowed Value reported on Apr 30, 2024
Mini World is a sandbox game, and players can create their own maps. Some will invest lots of time in them which will make their account feel more precious because of the time they spent.
Wait To Play reported on Apr 30, 2024
Cooking food in a bonfire, stone pot, or a mithril pan requires you to wait a short amount of time before the food is finished cooking. The Fruit and Home gardens also apply this pattern, however only when maturing fruits, or growing crops, animals, or sending your pets to adventures, respectively.
Pay to Skip reported on Apr 30, 2024
In the Fruit Garden, players can spend Mini Beans to skip waiting for fruit to mature. If the player doesn't have enough Mini Beans, they'll be asked to buy them with Mini Coins. If they don't have enough Mini Coins either, they'll purchase them with real money.
Badges / Endowed Progress reported on Apr 30, 2024
Yes. There are badges for unlocking a certain amount of skins, opening a certain amount of treasure chests or defeating bosses in survival mode, or by unlocking a certain amount of character abilities.
Anchoring Tricks reported on Apr 30, 2024
The game includes cheap offers with high amounts of Mini Coins along with normal offers. Players will be enticed to buy these offers as they're more affordable. These offers can only be purchased once per account.
Competition reported on Apr 30, 2024
Mini World is a sandbox game with a map gallery, so it includes fighting maps which are competitive. The player can simply choose to not play them if they don't like these types of maps.

Report a Dark Pattern

Screenshot For the moment, this game supports up to 14 languages: English, Thai, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Russian, Turkish, Italian, German, Indonesian and Chinese.

Mini World is a 3D free-to-play sandbox game about adventure, exploration, and creativity with your friends. No levels, No restriction, what we have only destroyed and creation. The easy-to-play built-in multiplayer settings allow you to connect via PC and Cellphones anywhere in anytime. Build a house, apartment, castle, city with your imagination or just have fun in your fantasy farm. You can even challenge the Dark-Dragon in the Dungeon with your friends.

If you’re feeling bored with Survival mode, just hop on another server and play some gorgeous mini-games. There are various types of mini-games, spanning from parkour, to puzzle, to FPS,to strategy. These games can be great for creating a stronger bond for the players involved in terms of teamwork or can create a competition between the two. In a conclusion, the mini-games are all about fun.

Mini World is a form of expression that has no true conclusion. With hundreds of available blocks to choose from and over 1000 game elements, you are able to express yourself in a world completely manipulable through the concept of placing and removing blocks.

Key Features:

1 Enormous Sandbox World – explore an expansive sandbox world with a variety of unique cute monsters, blocks, materials, and mines to craft and explore.
2 Unique game - Unique game engine with cute game characters design
3 Single Player and Multiplayer – jump into a friend's game with friendly fire turned on, or start a new world on your own. Share your game with other players, or join other players from all over the world in theirs.
4 Gallery - You can upload or download the works at the Gallery, have a look at the hottest MOD map,game map or other’s works.
5 Game mode–Survival mode, Creation mode or mini games created by other players, you can enjoy the charm of this game anywhere in any time.
6 Powerful game-editor - There are various types of mini-games, spanning from parkour, to puzzle, to FPS,to strategy,etc... all can be made by game-editor

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Twitter: @miniwantech
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