الملازم انس | امن الطرق

Price: $4.99
Ads: Unknown
In App Purchases: Unknown

iOS App Store

Temporal Dark PatternsTemporal Dark Patterns

This game has 4 reported Temporal Dark Patterns. There are 3 votes indicating the absence of a dark pattern.


1 votes
Playing by Appointment -
1 / 0 votes
Being forced to play according to the game's schedule instead of yours.

1 votes
Advertisements -
1 / 0 votes
Forced to watch ads or given rewards for watching ads.

1 votes
Infinite Treadmill -
1 / 0 votes
Impossible to win or complete the game.

1 votes
Wait To Play -
1 / 0 votes
In-game timers that make you arbitrarily wait for something.

1 votes
Daily Rewards -
0 / 1 votes
Encourages return visits every day and punishes you for missing a day.

1 votes
Grinding -
0 / 1 votes
Being required to perform repetitive and tedious tasks to advance.

1 votes
Can't Pause or Save -
0 / 1 votes
The game does not allow you to stop playing whenever you want.

Monetary Dark PatternsMonetary Dark Patterns

This game has 0 reported Monetary Dark Patterns. There are 0 votes indicating the absence of a dark pattern.


No Monetary Dark Patterns have been reported for this game yet. Are you familiar with this game? Please review it.

Social Dark PatternsSocial Dark Patterns

This game has 0 reported Social Dark Patterns. There are 0 votes indicating the absence of a dark pattern.


No Social Dark Patterns have been reported for this game yet. Are you familiar with this game? Please review it.

Psychological Dark PatternsPsychological Dark Patterns

This game has 0 reported Psychological Dark Patterns. There are 0 votes indicating the absence of a dark pattern.


No Psychological Dark Patterns have been reported for this game yet. Are you familiar with this game? Please review it.

App Store Ratings

iOS:  (5.00) with 1 votes.

Recent Dark Pattern Reviews

Wait To Play reported on Jan 18, 2024

Report a Dark Pattern

Screenshot !جرب دور ضابط امن الطرق الذي يعمل في منطقة الربع الخالي، وهنالك تكمل المتعه في كشف المجرمين

حيث تبدأ رحلتك ك ضابط في امن الطرق برتبة ملازم إلى اعلى رتبة وهي فريق اول ومهمتك هي كشف المجرمين وتفتيش كل سيارة تمر من نقطة التفتيش

مميزات اللعبة
- جودة عالية للمركبات والعالم
- تتوفر في اللعبة عدة أنماط وخرائط مختلفة
- أيضا سوف يمكنك اللعب مع اصدقائك ( قريباً..)
- جودة السفتي والمركبات عالية
- اجمع النقاط واكشف المجرمين، سوف يزيد ذلك من خبرتك و رتبتك
