Spin Rhythm

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Screenshot Enter the Rhythm dimension and Spin your way through the challenges!

Spin, tap & slide with amazing electronic music. Match colors and rhythm to precise, handcrafted levels while exploring funky, otherworldly environments. We present you a unique, beautiful, polished and colorful rhythm game with an all-new set of controls.

Featuring licensed and indie tracks by Hyper Potions . Nitro Fun . Subtact . Haywyre . Camellia . Tut Tut Child . Panda Eyes . Teminite . Pegboard Nerds . Tristam . Braken . Modern Revolt . Maxo . Tokyo Machine . Opiuo . Anomalie . Droptek . Douglas Holmquist . F.O.O.L . Oneeva . FarfetchD . Kitty . Rogue . Daverwob . Max Brhon . seejay . Lena Raine . Oxford Parker . Phonetic Hero . 2Mello . Moe Shop .

Key Features:
1. A new type of the music rhythm game that you've never seen before.
2. Controls are simple and intuitive, everyone can get into music by spinning and tapping.
3. Based around spinning a wheel to match colors, hitting drum beats and spinning up and down.
4. Snappy colors, with a 360 degree roller coaster track.
5. Be your own DJ - mix random tracks in Career Mode.
6. Each song has 3 difficulty modes, equal parts rhythm and flow, but difficult to master.
7. Challenge your reaction times and senses to get medals and to discover more amazing songs.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask us anytime at: spin@habby.fun