Famous Monuments of the World

Price: $0.99
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Screenshot This is a picture quiz about 150 famous monuments and buildings. Guess the names of man-made structures - bridges and towers, temples and statues - from all over the world. From the Great Pyramids of Giza and the Stonehenge to the Leaning Tower of Pisa and the Sydney Opera House.
The monuments are divided into 2 levels of difficulty.
1) Those that are easier to guess: such as the Eiffel Tower in Paris and the Statue of Liberty in New York.
2) Monuments that are known only to the experienced travelers: Roman Theatre of Mérida and Newgrange in Ireland.

Choose the game mode:
* Spelling quizzes (easy and hard).
* Multiple-choice questions (with 4 or 6 answer options).
* Time game (give as many answers as you can in 1 minute).
Two learning tools:
* Flashcards.
* List of all monuments in the app.

The app is translated into 12 languages, including English, German, Spanish, and many others. So you can learn the names of the monuments in any of these languages.

Do you know this royal palace? What is the name of that castle? Start the game that will guide you around the world and its wonders!