Word Gram PRO

Price: $2.99
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Screenshot How many English words will you find in our addicting and original word search game Word Gram with 8 different game modes and over 450 000 English words? Challenge people from all around the world and try to make it into TOP20 global highscores!

This is a PRO version with no ads & no In-App purchases + the game can be played offline without internet connection.


* Original word search game with 8 different game modes - Challenge, Quick, Attack, 48 Letters, Timed, Extra Letter, 10 Words and Battle
* No ads and In-App purchases
* Offline word search game - play without internet connection
* A huge English dictionary - over 450 000 English words included
* A game for 1 or 2 players playing on the same device (Battle mode)
* Local & global leaderboards included - track your personal bests & compare your score with points of other people from all around the world!
* Setup your own settings - turn on/off explosion effect, show/hide points on the letters, enable/disable score submissions


* Challenge - 1 new letters is added to each used column + into 2 random columns
* Quick - Each found word will add new letters into every column
* Attack - New letters are added periodically into each column
* 48 Letters - You have only 48 letters! Get the best score possible and submit it via Menu button!
* Timed - You have 75 seconds time limit and 18 letters available in each move
* Extra Letter - for each submitted word you get corresponding number of letters +1 extra letter.
* 10 Words - you can create max 10 words
* Battle - a multiplayer, 2 players playing against each other on a single device (10 ROUNDS)


* Tap on letters and create words with 3-12 letters! Create as many words as you can before the top of the board is reached! Longer words give you better score! If you are out of letters, you can add new ones by pressing "+" button in the top left corner! Watch out, once any letter gets out of the board, the game ends.


* Each letter has its own points (you can turn off the points shown on the letters in the settings). Longer words you create, better score you get. You get extra +500 points every time you clear the board.


* Saving - You can save the game and continue playing later - just tap on a SAVE button in the top right corner and the game will be terminated with your progress saved.
* Loading - just choose a game mode and a loading dialog will appear (in case you have a game saved) to continue playing or to start a new game.
* Each progress is removed at the end of each game.

Have a nice time playing our Word Gram and if you want to support the game, please rate it or leave some review! Thank you for your support!

If you find any bug, please let us know at littlebigplay@gmail.com, we will be very happy to fix it!