Machine Learning: Tic Tac Toe

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Screenshot Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence are buzz words these days, but what are they? Experience machine learning first hand with this app, and watch a Tic Tac Toe AI evolve.

- AI starts knowing nothing about tic tac toe (or anything really)
- It plays simply by recalling previous games, and determining the 'best' move based on previous outcomes
- Through experience (playing you or against the basic opponent AI) it will learn how to play. The better its opponent, the faster it learns.
- Eventually, depending on its experiences from playing, it will evolve from terrible to unbeatable.
- You can modify its evaluation algorithm to see what happens. Changes can make it learn faster or slower, as well changing the way it plays (a high value for losing would make it a worse player, as it would choose moves more likely to lead to losing.)
- Finally, to speed up its learning, you can enable 'similarity' where it is smart enough to realize the board remains the same when rotated, so additional experiences can be valid for any board position.
- When you want to try something different, simply wipe the AI memory, and you are back to square one.
- Have fun playing the game, developing the AI and learning a little about where computers are heading in the future.