Wordy Tile

Price: $1.99
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Screenshot Wordy Tile is a game where you race against your opponent to build a grid of words from a stack of tiles.

Every game starts with a stack of tiles from which you and your opponent are given a starting set.

As you play you can request more tiles from the stack, so long as more remain. When you do get one though, remember that your opponent gets one too.

So it’s a race!

Don’t get caught spending too much time thinking about your tiles; your opponent may get more of them, and sometimes more tiles means you have more choices. Fewer tiles doesn’t always mean it’s easier to finish first!

Stuck? You can also discard a tile, but be warned, that results in you being given three in return!

Wordy Tile has a huge database of two to nine letter words. The AI has been carefully built to be smart, but not too smart, and not too quick.

There are three levels of play. Each level has a different stack size, so the game gets more complex with the bigger stack, but it also gets longer.

Offline? No problems, just play the AI!

Online? Great, be sure you’re logged into Game Center and iCloud and you can play anyone else that has Wordy Tile. Play with friends and family!

Wordy Tile is a fast paced game; it’s not a turn based game so it’s a new take on word games that is a lot of fun