Can't Pause or Save

The game does not allow you to stop playing whenever you want.

Many games have "save points" that you must reach before you can safely save your progress and stop playing. If these "save points" are too far apart, this dark pattern can appear. Forcing players to continue playing longer than they want to, just so they can save their progress, is a waste of the player's time.

It should be noted that many classic games, such as Pac-Man or Super Mario Bros, could not be saved because the technology to do so had not been invented yet, so it's not fair to label these games with this dark pattern. Modern games that have the ability to save should not unreasonably prevent you from doing so. By preventing you from pausing gameplay they are forcing players to stay in the game longer than they would have otherwise, resulting in a negative experience for the player.

Most online multiplayer games can't be paused because it would affect the other players. This is understandable. However, these types of games should provide frequent opportunities for players to step out safely without causing negative repercussions. This is often accomplished by having timed matches, so you know what you are committing to when you enter the game.

Sometimes games combine this pattern with social pressure to keep playing so you don't let down your teammates. This combination can create a unhealthy powerful drive to keep playing without breaks for long periods of time.


Drilla: Idle Gold Miner Game Drilla: Idle Gold Miner Game
"While subtle, the game spawns a powerup after powerup, when other stuff is on cooldown, and when the powerups end, the cooldowns end."

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links
"cannot pause in PvP (obviously) but you can pause whenever vs any Ai/NPC"

Invasion: Modern Empire Invasion: Modern Empire
"all events are real time on live servers 24/7. there is no pausing"

Drive Ahead! Drive Ahead!
"mostly yes but also no as you can play against bots so its like a meh but i want to give description for other poeple so i did a negative"

Teamfight Tactics: League of Legends Strategy Game Teamfight Tactics: League of Legends Strategy Game
"Due to the nature of being a competitive online game, this game cannot be paused during a match."

Conflict of Nations: WW3 Conflict of Nations: WW3
"The entire game is real time, so absolutely no pausing"

Bejeweled Stars Bejeweled Stars
"A heart will be defucted from you if you quit an unfinished level."

Clash of Clans Clash of Clans
"You cannot keep your village from being attacked. You're essentially always online and under risk of losing progress and resources."

Block Blast-Block Puzzle Games Block Blast-Block Puzzle Games
"No if you are in a level."

A3! Actor Training Game A3! Actor Training Game
"You can't leave from the earn cash minigame."